Will my career dictate where I live next?

Will my career dictate where I live next?

Friday, April 16, 2010

Option THREE : Follow my heart

Last year, I celebrated my 10-year bestiversary with my friend Natasha by taking a trip to New York City. It doesn’t surprise me that you haven’t heard of bestiversaries and that’s because we made them up. When it comes to celebrating benchmarks, friendships are terribly underappreciated relationships. You’ll celebrate your six-month with a romantic partner you haven’t even really shown your true self to. Meanwhile, your best friend of years knows you better than you know yourself, is emotionally supportive and you don’t so much as send a card to say, “thanks.” So we decided to start celebrating the memories we’ve collected through the years by making a few more.

Acting took Natasha to Singapore six months ago and when she left, she took a bit of my heart with her. We still talk on Skype and email, but I miss my best friend. When her contract in Singapore is up, she’s not sure where she’ll be. Since our bestiversary trip, she has talked about moving to NY for theatre. Maybe take a roll in a Neil LaBute play. She may come back to LA and land a lead part in a Will Ferrell movie. She may meet a man from Paris, be flown out to see him and decide to enjoy baguettes while gazing at the Eifel Tower. Her life could take her anywhere, but wherever it is, that is where I want to be. My third option is to make Natasha’s location my own and pursue copywriting wherever she may be.

It’s sad to think about leaving my family in LA, but if Natasha is with me, I’ll have all the family I need.

Oh and Natasha, while writing this, I’m not wearing western wear.

1 comment:

  1. I really like this idea for you AnniE. We're your family, but we can get annoying (Trust me I know)
    Natasha is such a big core to your lifeand a great friend. I think this (as of right now) has all my eggs in it.
    Follow that big heart of yours!


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